Here’s a sort of anecdote I keep coming back to, don’t remember if I know it from somewhere – don’t remember a source but my brief relationships with cats – I imagine others have realised this too. Anyway, it just sits here in this obscure spot of mine in the cloud.
It is about how cats are so smart that they figured out how to simplify their lives by simplifying communication to one word only: “meow”. It’s so obvious, only geniuses like cats could come up with it – they don’t have to think about what words they have to use to convey better how they feel – to make sure they’re not being misunderstood or accidentally hurting or offending anyone, they can just focus on how they really feel when they so honestly and humbly tell us: “meooooow”.
When they are sad and just need some attention, they look at you with those big eyes and simply say: “meeow” , when they’re bored and they feel like just laying back – they lick to clean their fur and spread their legs on what ever warmer surface they find and just softly say “meow”, when they are hungry they either come to you looking up at you in confusion – sometimes like you’ve ignored them for a half’a century with an almost loss of self-esteem in their eyes – either waking you up by scratching your face as they say: “meeeow?” ; and so many other times like when they want to play and they come lingering around you, tickling you with their tail as they pass rubbing by your feet and go: “meeow”. Oh the simpler life of being a cat, imagine entire books translated in to cat language, from hundreds or thousands of pages reduced to one easily understood word, “meeow”; moments of difficult arguments when one just can’t find the words to say how sorry they are and that it’s not what they wanted to say – how at that moment they could just look the other in the eye and honestly say: “meow” and hope for a warm embrace and that redemptive reply: “meow”.
PS. As I just saw this, 10th of July – 2020, the video below reminded me of this post and it seems to make the case for it.