fotografii programatoricesti

Fotoclubul ISDC participă la Salonul Aniversar Internațional “Carol Pop De Szathmari, 200” şi implicit la Festivalului Național “Luna Fotografiei din România”.
Acesta se desfasoară in perioada 10 ianuarie 2012 – 31 ianuarie 2012. Detalii AICI.

Fotoclubul ISDC are in cadrul acestui evenimnent o expoziție a cărui temă este orientată spre ISDC team & facilities (code name: ‘fotografii programatoriceşti’).
Vernisajul acesteia (vedeți şi in programul evenimentului) va fi in 28 ianuarie de la ora 18 la 2 minute Cafe & Pub (Vasile Goldiş #4).

a new day to celebrate..

I’m a freelancer by the way, in case anybody out there didn’t notice. I’d like to think I can do graphic designs and web development (at some level). My portfolio is having a little face-lift, I’m almost done with it. See the active online version here:

Or see the new to be version at .

By the way, any impressions are welcome. Also, my resume is here.

the long arm of creativity

I’m thinking of keeping “ARM” as the label of my gallery and projects.

It started as a personal fool-around as these are our initials but I started to like it and now am thinking of transforming it into “ARM – the long arm of creativity” (diverging from “the long arm of justice, and later to play with it like “lending a helping arm” and maybe even visual play like with Michelangelo’s ‘Creation of Adam’ ( ).

I’d license this in the states too (if it isn’t already) but have no ways or funds or knowledge of the necessary for getting anywhere near to it.
Anyone in interested in such a professional adventure?

Here’s the dream behind it: building an international multimedia / advertising studio where creatives collaborate and are offered opportunities, as I could use one now, this studio would offer intern-ship opportunities and several scholarships to people that are talented but with financial / social difficulties, maybe even courses and/or motivational creative contests.

It seams now like a long way to the end of the tunnel I seam to be in, but here it is.

Hmm, i did not think of creative commons for this idea. I wonder if this post could count as evidence of initiative. Could it?
Here’s a ( c )  :-)

But actually, the more studios or agencies would do this the better, probably some already do and that’s great, congratulations! So the creative common would be for “the long arm of creativity”, now that’s a keeper.

e timpul..

Gata! Gata cu maimuțăreala! Trebuie să mă pun serios pe găsit o slujbă or bust. Sper sa nu ies prea repede din pornirea asta (iarăşi).

Bună, sunt Adrian Radic, grafician – web designer / tehnoredactor cu diplomă de operator PC, cu studii liceale şi universitare de filologie dar cu 5 ani şi ceva experiență în slujba pe care o caut (îngroşat mai sus). Ce mai! Mai jos e ataşat CV-ul meu.. aştept să îmi pice o slujbă în orice moment : ) .. de mai bine de o lună. Am cam fost ocupat, distras..

Dar acum sunt pregătit şi plin de entuziastm gata să exprim şi să ajut pentru a exprima prin imagine printată sau digitală.. cu carte de muncă.

CV-ul meu(update: indisponibil)