to consider ~ politics of beauty

The current title in the thumbnail, though it can be seen as one of the conclusive arguments (not even directly mentioned) is not making it justice/not what it’s about.

It’s been a while since I wrote anything here. Sorry I had been a bit numbed for a while and am making attempts of perhaps jolting out of it.
I’ll try to get back again and be more specific, but for now, I’ll try a new category: ‘to consider‘ that will go hand in hand with the ‘forget me nots‘ category.
Most new fitting posts will probably be in both categories, but forget me nots were started for myself with things I particularly found about myself, without considering much a report with the rest of the world – I guess had started it in a period when I was (at least way) more self centered. This new category will contain things that I thing are essential to consider for anyone as are touching on key aspects of our world and I personally would recommend being aware of these perspectives in order to avoid as much as possible being stuck in this more and more pronounced bubble among bubbles where algorithms are just petting you on your back with confirmation biased information and not really challenging your assumptions.

forget me not – Stephen Fry
as first mentioned at his wish-guest dinner (around the 10th minute)

“At this time with culture wars and everything else, we have to be very sure about our biases and the Socratic method can help peel them away so that we can clearly examine what we feel, what we see and what we know, without all the prejudices and the biases and pride and other human things”

Stephen Fry

The Latin and Greek culture in us (min 17:46)

“without us knowing, it’s sleeping inside our buildings, inside our language, inside our pictures and our history and even our way of thinking, deep inside it is a Greek and a Latin, Roman way of thinking and being that we’re build up on. And it’s an energy inside us that is often unreleased.”

Stephen Fry

Guide for indulging

“One of the things I like about Zoroastrianism is that it’s as big a sin to under indulge, as it is to overindulge. And I think that’s rather pleasing, isn’t it? So for them, someone who says no to everything is as embarrassing and foolish as someone who says, yeah, gimme more of that”.

Stehen Fry
Is love all we need? (last sentence in the video)

Love […] is the wine of our emotions, it is completely unnecessary, and yet, is a magical extra ingredient. And these are the things that absolutely allow us to live rather than exist I suppose”

Stephen Fry
Rumi phrase

“Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment” 


In the interview, the reason for reading books, to the point you’re not looking at the street light (before phones started doing that).
The tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant/dull/un-motivating realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy

mental diversion from unpleasant or boring aspects of daily life, typically through activities involving imagination or entertainment”


click – consume internet responsibly

Dear internet cohabitants,
Please watch this talk about how what we view on the web influences and forms it, and try to click / choose your daily consumption on the internet more responsibly.
Below I added, in my view, some alternatives for a smarter / more intelligent content that can also be entertaining – of course these are some of my personal pickings, the web is full of ignorance as it is of awareness and actual useful information / content.

Here are some of my usual options, most also have Facebook pages, twitter accounts, and YouTube channels:

TED talks (and TEDx and other satellites)
Some TEDx videos are more local and thus sometimes difficult to appreciate the filtering of relevancy and degree of subjectiveness / specially in the life experience talks, but even those are perspectives worthy of consideration.
The mothership, the “TED talks” , are much as I’ve seen just brilliant people worthy of your attention and consideration. Really Ideas worth spreading.

TED is a platform for ideas worth spreading. Started in 1984 as a conference where technology, entertainment and design converged, TED today shares ideas from a broad spectrum — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independent TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.

Climate town
Later addition (2021). One of the most relevant in our climate crisis context. Funny too but informative above that, though tends to focus on US a lot.

…team of climate communicators, creatives and comedians are here to examine climate change in a way that doesn’t make you want to eat a cyanide pill. Get informed about the climate crisis before the weather does it for you.

Institute of human anatomy

The Institute of Human Anatomy is a private human cadaver laboratory that educates health, fitness, and medical professionals on human anatomy and physiology using human cadavers.
Our mission is to teach as many people on the planet as possible about the anatomical wonder

SciShow, Crash Course and others – YouTube channel

“SciShow discusses science news and history and concepts.
With equal parts skepticism and enthusiasm, we go a little deeper…without going off the deep end.
Most of the time, anyway.”

They are also making the Crash Course YouTube channel and others, relevant education and just information has never been so accessible much as i see it.

[Ve]ritasium – YouTube channel

“Veritasium is a science video blog featuring experiments, expert interviews, cool demos, and discussions with the public about everything science.”


“The RSA’s mission is to enrich society through ideas and action.
We believe that all human beings have creative capacities that, when understood and supported, can be mobilized to deliver a 21st century enlightenment.”

You surely know at least one of their RSA animate videos, they have lots.

“The RSA Animate series is an innovative way of sharing world-changing ideas. All audio is taken from the RSA’s free events programme, and all animations are created by Cognitive Media.”

Wait! but why?
Title says enough. See the wait but who page. Quite brilliant perspectives I’d say.

New Scientist

New Scientist is a world leading science and technology brand, covering the big ideas and developments from all areas of science and technology through a respected and influential weekly magazine and widely read website. Offering the latest news, ideas and opinions, New Scientist is an authoritative voice on all matters related to science, technology and the ideas improving our knowledge of the universe and those shaping our world and lives.

The School of Life
We don’t have to keep making the same mistakes. Only one note about the views here: sometimes it presents only one view – while that one view is worth considering most of the times, sometimes it’s presented like ‘this is how the world really is’ or how people really are or how it would be best or such. In my view they sometimes forget to specify that it is so for “some” people, or it is that way “sometimes” – or even “most of the times”; that in some cases maybe “something else” all together that they didn’t mention. Mostly the missing fallibility of it, the diverse positive views as well as as the diverse negative ones. Too sure on themselves would be ok, but they’re not like Carl Sagan or Richard Feynman to really reach that unbiased view… at times I disagree with The School of Life’s views, so I guess we’re all cherry-picking. Still, this brings a very rich and well grown garden to pick from.

The School of Life is a place that tries to answer the great questions of life with the help of culture. It’s based here online and in 10 physical hubs around the world, including London, Melbourne, Istanbul and Seoul.

Brain Pickings
See the About page for info. Briefly:

“[…] a subjective lens on what matters in the world and why. Mostly, it’s a record of my own becoming as a person — intellectually, creatively, spiritually — and an inquiry into how to live and what it means to lead a good life.
Founded in 2006 as a weekly email that went out to seven friends and eventually brought online, the site was included in the Library of Congress permanent web archive in 2012.”

Quora – virtual Agora

“Quora is a question-and-answer website where questions are asked, answered, edited and organized by its community of users.” (wikipedia descriotion)

This is was awesome, you can find answers to any questions from people who had direct experience with what ever you want to know, the most relevant answers are voted up so you’ll know which ones are really worth reading. Want to know what is it like to survive, to fail, to face any kind of challenge, how something works, or validate an hypothesis, or anything really – among the users are scientists, journalists, writers, philosophers, doctors, government folks, experts from any domain really – from all over the world; it’s a virtual Agora and you can set your interest and get an e-mail with what interesting questions had been asked / answered previous week, you can ask your own questions, follow any question, it’s simply brilliant and an unlimited source of insightfulness from the consciousness of the world : )
Sometimes I find more very intriguing perspectives at the time, it’s the world as it should be.
A later edit of this post finds a slightly different environment where, while the initial awesome potential is still in there and good content can still be found, spam like content and opinions not weighing in the baloney detection kit. I guess it’s still a reflection of what an agora would be in our days but I’m uncertain of the value of topics sometimes or the scrutiny of the content.

The Brain Scoop – YouTube channel

“I’m Emily, the Chief Curiosity Correspondent of The Field Museum in Chicago, former volunteer of the University of Montana Zoological Museum, and I’d like to share some of the amazing things we have in the collection with the Internet!”

Shots of Awe – YouTube chanel
A more experimental and subjective perspective but mostly inspiring and enthusiastic views:

“Ever ponder the miracle of life? Or perhaps wonder about the evolution of intelligence? In Shots of Awe, “Performance Philosopher” Jason Silva chases his inspiration addiction as he explores these topics and more.”

Big Think
They have a YouTube Chanel with many scientists and professors / “experts” invited, some subjective perspectives of philosophers too – but perspectives worth considering. Little 2021 update – I watch them way less, though they’re still as relevant but, feels less holistic and at least some content can create a bubble effect.

About page excerpt:

“In our digital age, we’re drowning in information. The web offers us infinite data points—news stories, tweets, wikis, status updates, etc—but very little to connect the dots or illuminate the larger patterns linking them together. Here at Big Think, we believe that success in the future is about knowing the ideas that allow you to manage and master this universe of information. Therefore, we aim to help you move above and beyond random information, toward real knowledge, offering big ideas from fields outside your own that you can apply toward the questions and challenges in your own life.

Every idea on Big Think comes from our ever-growing network of 2,000 Big Think fellows and guest speakers, who comprise the top thinkers and doers from around the globe.”

Non news content, I related to it most often (2017), for their orientation towards critical thinking and the effort to align general public view with modern scientific views – so to say: to put things in context. Their news focus however can create a sided perspective – it’s not bad but can create the sensation of being in a sided bubble.

Vox is a general interest news site for the 21st century. Its mission is simple: Explain the news. Politics, public policy, world affairs, pop culture, science, business, …

Of-course, there are more, but these are most frequent for me it seems.

Also, in Romanian, there’s Iv Cel Naiv, bringing you romanticized / serene views of life in verse. And the even more brilliant part is that the replies are also in verse as it becomes a place for thinking and seeing the world trough a serene – verses-build lens. I’m sure there are such places in English and other languages too, if not – then it means that there’s room for new beginnings.

“un om căra în spate / un dram de seninătate //”

PS. Looking at this at a later time, I realize not all these have kept as true and relevant as perceived initially when wrote this post, but I think you get the gist of it.

role models

I’ve disabled my Facebook account a few times by now. And each time I came back, eventually, I got back to re-posting some things that I thought/think are perspectives worth sharing. We seem to share or even re-share things that have some influence on us. This brought me to the realisation of how important it is to ponder on who influenced you, who’s been your so to say, role models. And out of a wide list here are the ones that are worldwide accessible and with the lesser subjectivity embedment.

My favourite: Carl Sagan bringing about our context in Cosmos, how we’re all made of star-stuff – “a way of the cosmos to know itself” and giving us the Baloney detection kit.
Then the bunch of them: 
Alexander Humboldt showing us what exploration really is and teaching us that you cannot understand the world from one perspective / through one language – you need to explore multiple perspectives and more then one or two languages; 
Steve Jobs about how life is not a set of walls which imposes us what to do – and try not to bump into them and that we can change / improve it because there are some pretty messed-up things in the world;
Simon Sinek incentivising to focus on the reason we’re doing anything – focusing on the why and becoming aware of what motivates ourselves and those that we work with;
Gandhi setting himself as example for non-violence and encouraging us to be the change we want to see in the world – he made me realize a true measure of happiness and genuine-self in the alignment of what one says – thinks and does;
Einstein forever enhancing the disinfecting light in our views reminding us how everything is relative – advising the regard for Truth above all no matter if it concerns big or small issues – making it further more easy to realise the more perspectives not just conceptually – imaginary – philosophically but physically – scientifically;
Socrates and Plato, spite of some deprecated points of view which held us back for quite some time – they also helped us advance until one point – the story of the cave still helps us understand ignorance and ignorant behaviour which unfortunately will always be around;
Albert Ellis bringing about how we should realise that things are not necessarily bad but it’s often us that interpret it that way – suggesting, besides that it just might be us that over-blow the interpretation of a situation, to also regard how we react and affect the situation – to become aware of our own cognitive behaviour and of potential irrationality it may be field by;
Brené Brown reminds us of empathy and tells of the importance of embracing vulnerability and of the trials that shame can bring and the armour that we tend to build because of it and how that can make us resort to sympathy rather then empathy and how different these two notions can be;
the Buddha, whom we find in a sutta describing “the middle way as a path of moderation, between the extremes of sensual indulgence and self-mortification, this, according to him, was the path of wisdom” suggesting to use this mindset onwards in the eightfold-path towards equanimity and an unbiassed – up-straight and mindful appreciation and relation with everything;
David Attenborough made me feel like I visited and discovered the wondrous and divers nature around the world by strolling alongside him through the jungles and the lands and through the deeps of the waters – seeing how it all exists, some of it stopped existing, how it became and evolved and also how we affect it;
Charles Darwin who so patiently brought us the evidence of our evolution and the foundation to which science added so many of the puzzles of how we came to be;
Richard Feynman reminds us of the beauty that science enhances about the world and not subtracts it and that it’s ok that we don’t know everything yet – that we’ll learn the Truth by being opened in discovering nature and the universe as it is and not by expecting it to be in a certain way or another – that there’s no reason to be afraid of not having a purpose given in the universe; and so many more in different fields like
Jesus, although I do not know if he really resurrected or what really is his say or act from the “testaments” (as all is written much later by others and it seems it’s a moderated collection) I do believe he lived – and so the incentive of being humble and to not blame before you don’t realize your own blame and do upon others as you’d want them to do upon you – these are wise reminders which I will try to respect as much as I can;
Ellen Lupton reminding of the importance of Typography and realising the rules and braking them in need “from a perspective of knowledge and not ignorance”;
Don Tapscott (honestly mostly from that one TED talk) highlights the incentive of collaboration – sharing and transparency in this current era of communication which he so wonderfully encourages us to work together like the birds do in their murmuration phenomenon – calling it the murmuration era;
and the piece of resistance: John Lennon reminds me that I’m not the only dreamer and that it stops being a dream once it’s a shared purpose – so “I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will live as one”;
and the list goes on: Charlie Chaplin, Ann Druyan, James Randy, Alan Watts, Sebastião Salgado, Jack Conte, Michio Kaku and more subjective influences like writers / artists and such.

These are people that had done, said or written things that had an influence upon me, that made me consider new points of view or changed existing points of view from the foundation of my belief system.

Obviously all these people did / said / wrote more then I so briefly mentioned above, I just tried to set a sample of the awesome perspectives they borough and the magic i found in them.

For some there are aspects that belong to them directly or as association, not specified here – but important aspects that I do not subscribe to. For instance Steve Jobs also had his douchebag moments, I don’t appreciate some Apple policies about service for instance, and in general the technology industry how it uses natural and human resources and how it manages (or doesn’t manage) its waste on their production side or on the user side, and others. Still, all these, including Mr. Jobs, are as mentioned worth considering in a very intimate level.

I’ll try to add a sample in video for some of them below:

PS. Here are some more notions that are part of my core way of understanding and relating to the world:

forget me nots ep. 7 ~ finish what you started

There’s an enthusiasm about new beginnings – most of the times – I imagine. I remember for my self a joy and serenity in the possibilities in a new start, be it small or big, professional or personal.
Sometimes these possibilities seam like a huge projection, and I suppose they can easily become that. Maybe sometimes specifically because it is a huge projection it can get very bitter if failing to nourish that projection and the value that it had or could have had.

A feeling of shame can follow, resent, maybe loss of confidence, vulnerability… things we’ve learned to stay away from, block as much as possible. A survival of the fittest instinct makes us detect these as enemies and apparently we reject their source (what ever the initial start) entirely – resulting in abruptly disconnecting from the previous endeavor as we may be seeking for a new one. This post is contemplating on the context and state that results this disconnect and proposes an incentive to be aware and consider improving on the state any endeavor is being departed with.

After a fail or a hurt, one can grown fearful of new starts, self doubt can creep in, shame of past mistakes, vulnerability… fear it’ll be foolish or that others will think it foolish and/or might loose more then there might be to gain.
Attempts of self-awareness can backfire and blur the context and self-perception.
Like making it out of the dark woods, a weird state of tranquility can recalibrate, in which we try to focus on something else, preferably something that will help us grow – in this world that promotes the strongest, in this soup à la Darwin, which made sense to some extent in the past, but I was/am hoping we’d transcend this natural condition.

I suppose there are all sorts of reasons, more or less dramatic or melodramatic. Reasons that get us sometimes to not be keen or see the sense in continuing or finishing something. Then sometimes one may just not know how to continue something, perhaps overwhelmed, perhaps frightened, perhaps bored, perhaps eager to do something else, to find, learn and understand new things, new places. What ever the reasons, one can sometimes leave unfinished things on a shelve with the thought that it’ll be taken care of later, or sometime, or by someone else, or by itself.

I’m not proud to admit I save such things on a shelve. And this series is one of them, ironically enough the last episode that I had announced, more than two years ago, had this title set then. I knew.
I realize sometimes it’s difficult to finish some things and at times it may be more rational to not finish some things. But (after morally and rationally considered) I reckon is better to stay away from developing a habit to not finish things.

A song I love has between the lyrics: “every new beginning comes form some other beginning’s end” (SemisonicClosing time).
While not EVERY new beginning HAS to come from some other beginning’s end, my realization is that if you don’t really finish something, that possible new beginning might be getting just a part of what you could offer in your attempt to make the most of it. Having, as much as possible, a redemptive closure of past endeavors enables (as I see it at least at this time) a bigger potential to value new beginnings it as you might hope or project on them.

The way we finish things recommends us for new beginnings.
I recommend you check your shelves or perhaps clean your closet sounds more familiar. It can be liberating, sometimes at least. It could be a closure you never had or never offered to someone. Even an unfinished ensemble of a miniature airplane model, a project, a confession… whatever it is, it can retain an unfinished part of your self. If you’ve realized it’s best unfinished, make it official and leave the shelf free. More space for things you’re currently focused on, either way would probably, at least, feel better to change the label by removing the ‘un‘ prefix from unfinished.

forget me nots ep.6 ~ begin! be there!

I’ve finally begun writing this post. It’s about a year later then I would have liked it to be and I’m not proud of it. It’s been all sorts of stuff keeping me from doing it. I suppose procrastination is one of them. Ever since I’ve learned about this word, procrastination, I’ve managed on one hand to realize the damage it can do, and sadly it has done, and on the other hand I’ve recognized the.. sometimes meditative – sometimes creative results that followed it.

I find meditation and creativity to be some of the most important things that can better and shape our lives. But another such important thing is action. I’m coming to believe that without it, creative potential and meditation are.. meaningless. But that’s another talk.

Although recent time was productive, creative, inspiring, insightful, informative, energizing in a tired moment; I often remember there was something else I said to my self (and possibly others) that I would do – but hadn’t done yet.
It’s not the things I’m obliged to do for someone else – the kind of things you’d find in a contract or agreement, I’m trying to be as prompt as I can with those. It’s personal things.. which I want to do, planned to, maybe even dreamed of doing, maybe I realized I should do or promised my self that I would do..

In a way the contracts and official agreements can get to be an easy excuse for procrastination. Seems easy to forget that, as it is for most, contracted effort usually has a personal scope that is not written in the contract / agreement. Such would be the paradox of working so hard to have money to do what ever you want, but it takes time and energy so that one doesn’t get to do anything else but work. I hope that’s not a common situation.

It seams starting means trying.. I’m not sure what’s really keeping us from trying.. the fear of failure, of the shame of failure, the vulnerability of the exposure..
What ever it is, I’ve started to realize the importance of trying.
By trying I can find the value in it or the flaws of it, I can gain the benefit or learn the lesson it can bring.. I only have to lose by remaining hung-up with anything.
Sure it’s good to prepare, investigate, ask for advice or more perspectives, but don’t get stuck. Trying can help you even if you fail, you’ll benefit from the experience in your next try and/or will be able to move to the next thing.

I think I’ll learn more from sharing these thoughts than keeping them for my self. Even without feedback, I seam to come back to what I write in here with a more objective perspective second or third time around.. although outside thoughts are can indeed be quite effective. Add a title “personal” to the comment if you want to share an unpublished thought (all comments are moderated).
Thanks for your patience if you’ve made it so far.

forget me nots ep.5 – find & mind the extremes

I would like to use Buddha’s learnings. (extracted from Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism)
The Buddha asked a monk who was reciting a sutra:

‘How did you find it when the strings were too loose?
No sound is possible. was the reply.
How when the strings were too tight?
They crack.
How when they were neither too tight nor too loose?
Every note sounds in its proper tone.’

In this sense the title of the post is referring to the middle path way. This middle way is left for interpretation because people have different notions of extremes. If you’re not sure which would be the middle way, consider what would be the extremes of your situations, mind that these are not necessarily only two and also not necessarily as linear – at the different ends of one line perceived. Then consider the actions which would most likely not get you anywhere near the negatively perceived extreme (do be aware that it’s a perception but don’t deny common sense morality like harming others or not doing to others what you’d find unfair if done to you) . Also start to ask if the positive extreme is not deluded, if it’s healthy, or even if it’s actually what you want.

They say things are more enjoyable when done occasionally than say every day or several times a day. Things can start to be a routine, so new interesting things in contrast to routine interesting things seem usually more appreciated. Staying off for a while – missing the activity, you build anticipation and that then leads to enjoying the next experience in a more full minded way.

Still this perspective can lead to another extreme. So many times when trying to stay away from an extreme actually odds lean to go to another extreme. It seams we tend to have a binary consciousness, maybe that way it’s easier to identify extremes, specially negative ones. The negative extremes seem more popularized (unfortunately), and I guess we did evolve to be on the lookout for negativity for survival purposes.


“Middle Path” may be misunderstood as equivocal. In fact Buddhism is not as such. “Middle” means neutral, upright, and centered. It means to investigate and penetrate the core of life and all things with an upright, unbiased attitude. In order to solve a problem, we should position ourselves on neutral, upright and unbiased ground. We investigate the problem from various angles, analyze the findings, understand the truth thoroughly, and find a reasonable conclusion.

Buddhism – The Middle Path

Update2. Actually, do look at the possible positive extreme(s), you might find it is what you want, it’s healthy to want the best for your self and others thus this positive extreme is worth exploring to the maximum, that is probably where we all want to get, and we all deserve it. Do mind the delusion, but mind it in a sense where you realize difficulties and get prepared, many or most things, like Rome, are not build in a day (or easily).

forget me nots ep.4 ~ don’t hurry! take the time!

Last episode I mentioned extremes and, ironically, this title could head you on a slippery path into one of these extremes, the one where – if you take too much time – you could end up loosing time – chances.
It’s true, you can slip on the path where you think it takes the time that it takes, but for some people – me included, it’s a path worth considering. I do am aware or try to keep awareness of the slipperiness of it, actually I’ll detail a little later in some episodes about/around extremes. This gives me the occasion to announce the next episodes:

– Forget Me Nots Ep. 5 ~  Find & mind the extremes!
– Forget Me Nots Ep. 6 ~ Begin! Be there!
– Forget Me Nots Ep. 7 ~ Finish what you started!

But back to taking our time. Sometimes, some people seem to be doing things just to get over with them. This attitude sometimes comes after loosing enthusiasm or when enthusiasm is suddenly for something else and thus your head is drifting from initial incentives, often resulting in pour results.

Sometimes we get to some tasks in life, be them professional or not – but I suppose they are mostly professional, which we just want to get over with, fast. Something without enthusiastic incentives can easily be seen of no importance, and I can relate to that at least to some extent, unfortunately.
But mind you that you are never the less responsible for it, it too will be your recommendation, the reflection of your abilities, a part of your evolution, it will be regarded as one of your approved – finished.. whatever it is. So don’t hurry too much on whatever you loose enthusiasm or have no enthusiasm for but are doing nevertheless.

But even with enthusiasm, because of the enthusiasm, in the excitement and an fast rhythm, the thrill of it can distract from paying attention to details, and sometimes important such details can make the difference between a winner or a deal-beaker. I guess this could happen as a distraction by overexcitement, or over-confidence. I’d recommend patience, take the time, consider context, momentum, in order to understand and make the most of the great potential that lays in the details.
We can realize and exercise more patience and awareness for details,  and acknowledge an ease in which enthusiasm or the lack of it can make us impulsive.

forget me nots ep.3 ~ proofreading

This haunts me sometimes, particularly how easily things can just slip through the cracks (specially if English is not your native language). Grammar and spelling are indeed important, some glitches can easily be seen as a reflection of ones ability to focus and attention to details, or as an attitude – responsibility and care about what-ever is being written, offered as communication. One misplaced letter or comma and you may be saying exactly the opposite of your intent…

Never-the-less, while the above mentioned is very important, I have always thought that ideas are way more important, and is more ignorant to ignore the content or have a lower attitude towards it because of such mistakes. These days our focus is spread in multitasking and distractions like never before, there are tons of visual, audible or plain psychological distractions. These don’t only affect us directly whenever we might find ourselves typing, but can easily contribute and buildup tiredness which again isn’t so productive for our focusing capabilities.

I suppose we are adapting creatures and technology is helping us with auto-correction but it can fail, I don’t always want to write “i donut kink munch about it” (that phrase did not get corrected – wasn’t underlined). But specially if it’s something that will be public, do take the time and have an extra run through it for this purpose.

I keep thinking of extremes in this: on one side you can miss important moments or opportunities by not expressing yourself as directly and fast as possible (or at all) – it’s best to DO write down your thought or ideas; but not realizing what you actually express and how you express it can have an unfavorable outcome – picture yourself in a couple of years not understanding what you wanted to say when trying to read your own text. (one of the main reasons for content of this blog actually – track myself, but maybe also share).

Being aware of what we’re really saying is important not only for the stuff we write, but also for things we say or for behavior we have, choices we make.
Consider it as an incentive to think before we talk or act, to first exchange perspectives (hats or shoes or roles with the others involved, or with the world – like Kant would suggest; how ever helps), using critical thinking, skepticism, questioning everything – including our own premises and conclusions.

Of-course, there’s more.

PS. This post had some adjustments when checked after some years. Also things like Grammarly also popup up since this was written.

forget me nots ep2 ~ keep it short / simple

This is a challenge for me, a challenge I must take > pass > and only remember in laughter that I was once like this.

This post needs not be scrolls long(er). Even closest readers may not have the patience to read it entirely or at all. Actually, at times when looking back at my old long mails, post or memos, etc – I my self do not have the patience or the time to read them.

I guess it gets that long in my case as I try to cover so many thoughts and aspects, and try to clarify. But it can easily get ineffective, the message not understood – not evaluated, no feedback / reply – and literally just into the void.
Sure sometimes the length can work and be as intended, it can make sense, like when you are writing a book I suppose; but most of the times it’s just wasting what could be a possibility to share, get evaluated, evolve.

What can be done? On one hand: attention to details is good, so if you do have the time to write the whole thing (all your thoughts) do it – it can be an interesting exercise to realize how jumbled thoughts can be. But if you want to share or get evaluated, give only the essential and let people know there’s more if they want it… is what I found for my self for now anyway.

An example, instead of a long post on time management – it applies in content management too:

“Collect all in one place > Choose the essential > Eliminate the rest > Organize the remaining”

Got any other perspectives / solutions? (appreciate it)
PS. There’s more.

forget me nots – series – late prologue

I wrote on twitter, recently, a memo that was meant for my self more then anything. It was like this:

” Forget-me nots. Ep.1 (i prefer the w3c one) W3C_and_Internet_Explorer_box_models.png

and that made the first of what I’m thinking of making a series of important memos and also lessons learned the hard way which should not be forgotten.

Up next, when I’ll have some time, will be three episodes:

“Forget Me Nots Ep. 2 – Keep it Short / Simple !!”

“Forget Me Nots Ep. 3 – Proofreading, proofreading, proofreading !!”

“Forget Me Nots Ep.4 – Don’t hurry!! Take the time!”

I know it’s a good idea to do this series for my self, maybe not only for my self. Do drop any feedback, thanks.