It started by mistake. At first I had my messenger status “give me $ 10,000” and realized people were evasive when I wanted to say hi. A friend had trouble with the status link not displaying and I told him to try mine (and gave it to him). At this point I realized: “wow, wouldn’t it be fun to see if I convince some friends to set the status as experiment off course and if they see it interesting and fun to convince other people. Now I’m curious how far will it get and how long will it last.
Is your status set? ” give him $10000 “
Edit – Now with busy options:
” Busy! – Give him $10000 “
” BRB! – Give him $10000 “
Edit2 – After aprox 4 – 5 hours:
Thak you all! It’s been fun and is cool to still see some of the status. I don’t have a big list and I can’t tell what happend outside it (if anything did). About 70 % of my available list had the status and that alonewas a cool feeling seeing then show up one by one, I thing I got 12 or 13 contacts in the list to se it.