thoughts on internet and life (edited)

The internet: so called “cloud” as i would like to call it “of all possibilities“. Sure there are some bad sides of it too. But from keeping in touch to getting information, making money and entertainment it never ceases to surprise me. You could call it Santa’s sack of information or a well oiled money making machine or (my favorite) “a bridge of communication“.

Although I find nifty the possible resources of entertainment on the internet, I personally mainly use it for keeping in touch – communicating, work and information. Unfortunately, most of the time, I can only keep in touch with my dearest and closest ones from the distance, this giving me the options: phone and Internet. Since the phone way is way more expensive and limited I’ve excluded it almost completely. But the internet does way more for me because, in these conditions of distance, another thing that would be affected without it would be my.. (I’ll call it for now) identity.. and this not only for the ones I can’t keep in touch directly and even more not only in a personal matter but also professionally, but also very much keeping track and understanding – expressing and evolving my identity for my self.

Why do i think this? Because I find a thought very valuable, even more a thought written extends it’s value and remains to complete further thoughts precisely thus actually evolving, and even more, a thought shared is even a greater value.Now I know that many thoughts can have different values sliding from positive to negative but sharing them can only be good because, beyond the actual update about it’s author, it also can make the receivers be aware of a new information or even better a new value or by the wonderful possibility of interaction upon ones thought (comments) the author can learn if the values in his thought are true or false or can learn more value in it. The possibilities are endless.Otherwise I often look upon technology news from sites like NY Times, All things Digital (Wall Street Journal), and others, and so I came upon this interesting article “Apple vs. Microsoft vs. Linux: Good vs. Evil and Do You Really Care?” and from which I found a link to another article”Recognising Good And Evil” which is on a site in which I’m personally going to go trough the links inside it and actually is what I just had to share and got all the lines above in the process.A piece of an article from this site, “The Retreat From Reason“:

“Prejudice, a desire to accept a belief for personal reasons, is a very powerful threat to comprehension. It will not only prevent an idea being considered but also corrupt the ability of our senses to detect evidence to the contrary.”

Edit: in this article I found, at the paragraph Absurd Results Of Silly Laws the statement “Prejudice is part of the human condition; to attempt to correct it by legislation is to enter into fantasy” supported by the following case:

On November 27/11/95, Samuels Real Estate Pty Ltd of Dubbo, central NSW, was ordered to pay $6,000 damages to an aboriginal woman who was told the firm had no flats available. This was moments before her white friend was offered a flat. In its decision the NSW Equal Opportunity Tribunal found that the firm unlawfully discriminated against 31 years old Jennifer Lamb on August 16th, 1993. This penalty is the result of the anti-discrimination legislation, the existence of which is undeniable evidence that the community is stupid.

To this paragraph I find an exaggeration, or at least an important overlook, upon great importance of such ways (as the law) that can “make” the people coexist with and consider each-other in-spite of their prejudice. Of-course I agree that maybe it should not be as penalties such as in the case which is indeed sort of abomination. Still, racial differences and discriminations, actually any kinds of discriminations should be corrected and solutions included in the law (but indeed reason should be minded) and programs and such to make a more valuable line between where one is discriminating and making personal choice of own concern, like it makes sense to refuse a different skin colored person a service for the same reason you would refuse a same skin color person (and you better mention that reason or you could get misunderstood), but it’s not ok to refuse services to a person which only differs the color of the skin from another person whom you would accept. Personally i think it’s bad image and business, lack of reason and ethic values, and much more. This is serious and unfortunately those that feel and act this way need a little push to get them to a stage where they have to at least “try” to consider their prejudice or at least “try” to get use to the idea that it’s consider bad and will affet it’s image in society and possibly suffer penalties.